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Davinci Gliders Opera CCC

Davinci Gliders Opera CCC

CCC wing for top level competitors and expert pilots


CCC class is the ultimate representation of what a modern paraglider can be. Everything is pushed to the limit but still with respect to safety margins, the unique blend which is very, very difficult to create and fine tune. That's why there's only a very limited number of manufacturers who decide to play this game.


We accepted the challenge. And now we are proud to present our CCC glider: the Opera.

This glider is a unique concept. Despite of impressive AR of 7,85 and lots of cells (128) this glider is still user-friendly for its category. It has amazing stability, even in accelerated flight, and it's easy to control, allowing its pilot to concentrate on tactics. How did we do this?.. On of the (many!) tricks is the relatively low glider weight. There's plenty of innovations and know-hows packed into this flying machine with impressive look and very sophisticated design. But the result matters. Opera already did an impressive debute at PWC (10th place at PWC China), giving plenty of positive feedback, and we hope it's only the beginning of the story.

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